Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Greetings Blackademics!

The Ku Klux Klan of all viruses has plagued the original Blackademics (www.blackademics.org) for almost a month, and all of the de-bugging internet geniuses seem to be on hiatus. So instead of waiting around for a solution to present itself, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I will continue to post on the original Blackademics.org, but people who wish to leave comments can click the link, and leave their thoughts here, on blackademics.blogspot.com, where the discussions will be copy/pasted. This is only a temporary solution, but all I got, you dig? Welcome back, Blackademics!!!


Blackademics said...

I figured I'd get it popping off first!

Pkai said...

Richard Merkt Morris is a pompous self righteous jackass SOB as only a Godless idiot white supremacist would make such asinine remark. Remarks like his are just another reason why the majority of Blacks do not vote for Republicans. This jerk just doesn't get it!!! Its not merely about whether or not the people who instituted, participated or were direct recipients of the slavery market are alive today, its the ramifications slavery left on the lives of Black people and their psychic. Slavery wasn't just an abominable atrocity, it was the state of mind which allowed one race of people to feel they were superior and the supreme God of another people. It was that ill conceived state of mind which galvanized white folk to feel they had the inherent right to institutionalize another race of people and inflict innumerable savage atrocities and the mental and physical harm which ensued for years to come. It was that very same racist superior state of mind inherent in your generations thereby inincorporated within every institution in the U.S. which abominably affected blacks for generations!

The fact that white people like Assemblyman Richard Merkt want to claim they were not directly responsible for such Barbaric, Atrocious, Savage, inhumane acts against an innocent people which indisputably has no validity in the Bible nor in reality of Black Folks lives. For those very same Bibles that most of these hypocrite politicians pro port to sit in church every Sunday and read, proclaiming their religious beliefs to the world, professing to believe in "God"...those very same Bibles which a 12 year old child could comprehend, tell us that.....We are responsible for the Sins of our Forefathers. That very same Bible also tells us that the Esau/Edomites/Whites live in their own "Vainness" which even those of the lowest common sense can comprehend. For it is written that 'You should pray for the sins of your forefathers as you Will Not be Held Blameless!!!

It is also written throughout those very same Bibles, these politicians profess to believe in "The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son" "For the Seed of Generations to come" "Even up to the 4th and 5th Generation" Whether or not these Godless politicians believe in the very same Bible they've touted and professed to the world to believe in for generations, only they themselves and the Father above truly knows. The fact remains that the blood of your forefathers runs through your lineage, therefore White people of this generation are just as responsible for what their forefathers did as if they committed these Savage, Inhumane, Barbaric acts directly themselves. The fact remains that the majority of Blacks undoubtedly hold whites responsible for their suffering and having to bear the brunt of your racist, superior attitude and actions, whether committed directly or indirectly you should not be in doubt as Blacks have yet to be compensated for the genocide on their lives and the lives of their loved ones, whether it be their parents, grandparents or great grandparents, the fact remains that Racism exists in White America and has abominably affected the lives of Blacks, the lives of their children past, and children to come which has been a harsh dose of reality for far too many generations!!

Pkai said...

Or maybe this Jackass Republican Merkt feels "Oh Well, So What if your great grandparents died or suffered from the ramifications of slavery or the generations afterward suffered in poverty bearing the brunt of your racist economic and social systems long after slavery was abolished....As long as the majority of Black Folk today are alive and living ' the lap of luxury' in a non-racist, libertarian, Equal Justice for All in American Society! Thus should be happy and tell all Whites "Thank Ya Massa!!!!! for bringing us out of slavery to become slaves within your racist institutions equating prejudice, bigotry and racism with your national emblem failing to understand that Freedom, Liberty and Justice belong to All !!!

Many blacks will never know their ancestry, their financial inheritance, nor the love and wisdom passed down from their great grandparents and black ancestors. Many blacks will never be able to trace their genuine roots, many blacks will never have the luxury of living that "Rich Off Black Slavery" financial security passed down from generations within the realm of their families. What Blacks today have undoubtedly inherited is the emotional and psychological baggage of a legacy passed down from generations knowing their great grandparents, Black forefathers and ancestors died from unspeakable, savage, barbaric, inhumane acts committed by whites...merely because of the 'Color of their Skin'

Yet Mr. Merkt in his jackassdom sits in his senate office today, having the audacity to tell All Blacks that
' Since He did not personally commit any of these Barbaric Savage Acts upon Blacks, He does not bare any Responsibility' Well correct some of us if we are wrong, but the name "Merkt" sounds "Jewish" maybe its time some of you Black folk start digging a little deeper into what role these "Jews" played during the time when Blacks were enslaved and just how many decades they have held those responsible for the atrocities committed against them as "Guilty"